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What the competition is all about


The aim is to select the winning team of each game of the football round.

The round winner is the competitor who selects the most winners for the round. 1 point is awarded for each winning team and 1 point if there is a draw.

If more than one competitor selects the same number of winning games in the round the "highest score" is then used to select the winner of the round. The round winner will have selected the "Highest Score" that is the same as the round "High Score".
The round "High Score" is the highest score of the played round. If it is not the exact score then the competitor with the closest score is chosen as the winner. This score could be either greater than or less than the actual round "High Score" as long as it is the closest.

Competitors who do not enter their tips will by default be given the "Away Teams" (Second named team) for the round and a "High Score" of 1.

It is not possible for entrants to be a round winner if they have been awarded the away teams for any game because they have not entered a selection in any round. The round wins are still counted towards the total wins and as such the end of season prize (if there is one).

Selections for each game of the round can be made up until the start of each game. Selections cannot be changed after game start time this is indicated by the game being shown as "closed" if you have not made a selection you will be awarded the away team for that game and a "High Score" of 1. Selections for games that are still open can be made but the "High Score" cannot be entered if any game has been closed.

If the competition is a fee paying competition:

Depending on the rules set for the season.

Each weekly winner may or may not receive a prize.
1st prize is awarded at the end of the season for the competitor with most winners.
2nd prize is awarded at the end of the season for the competitor with the next most winners
3rd prize is awarded at the end of the season for the competitor with the next most winners
A prize will also be awarded for the competitor who selects the least number of winnesrs for the season.

If there are to be prizes awarded there is a cost to enter the competition and this is used to pay the weekly winner and to build a pool for the Competition Winner that is decided at the end of the Football Season.

The usual cost is $1 per round paid in advance at the beginning of the season.